The National Office has just received the attached notification from the Postal Service regarding their planned implementation of secondary mail moves for 18 facilities. These 18 sites previously had AMP studies conducted and the majority of mail has already been moved in 2015 or before as part of the Phase II Network Consolidation. The secondary mail moves that are planned will include destinating letters, flats or in some facilities, both. Of the 18 facilities identified, there are 10 facilities where mail handlers are currently working. These include: Bend CSMPC, Erie P&DF, Gainesville, P&DC, Huntsville P&DF, Mid-Hudson P&DC, North Bay P&DC, Pocatello CSMPC, Seattle WA East DDC, Southern CT P&DC and Wausau P&DF.
These installations are not proposed to be closed entirely as parcel processing and/or cross dock operations are slated to remain. The exact number of Mail Handlers to be affected is not known at this time as Impact Statements and supporting documentation are scheduled to be provided by the Postal Service to the Union in July. Final implementation is planned to include a November 6, 2021 employee move date. The NPMHU will continue to challenge unnecessary consolidations in an attempt to minimize the negative impact on mail handlers.
Please do not hesitate to contact the National CAD should you have any questions.