Hi, I am Gregory Newsome my career began in 1981, with the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) at the North Suburban Distribution Center that was located in River Grove, IL. I began as a Casual and after working nearly two (2) eighty-nine (89) day appointments I was hired as a Part-Time Flexible Mail Handler (PTF) and then converted to Full-Time in 1983 or thereabout.
In 1992, North Suburban split up into two (2) facilities Palatine P&DC and Carol Stream P&DC.
I chose Carol Stream P& DC where my career continued. Since 1981, I have been a Proud Union
Member of LOCAL 306 NPMHU, my unwavering work, and passion as a Union Representative began as an Alternate Shop Steward in 1984-Regular Steward 1985 to 1992; Chief Steward 1992 to 2012; Branch President 2012 to 2014 and Local 306 Vice-President 2014 to present.
During my tenure, I have negotiated many LMOU's. Stood strong and maintained work for Mail Handlers via R.I. 399. Skilled Arbitration Advocate, etc.. This is just a snapshot of my career as a Postal Worker and Union Representative as you can see both careers are nearly parallel. Simply put since the beginning I have dedicated all my years but a few working for the rights and working conditions of my fellow Mail Handlers. To the Mail Handler Membership thank you for allowing me to stay in the Fight and serve you!