The predecessor to Cardiss Collins P&DC was the Old Chicago Main Post Office located at 433 W. Van Buren Street. It was the only post office in the world with an expressway passing through it. It was the home-away- from-home for many Chicago Postal workers and Chicago's mail hub for nearly 65 years. Chicago's Main Post Office was completed in 1932 by the Post Office Department, it served well - through wars, huge mail volume growth and technological advances.
However, the technology necessary to process today's mail requires a new operating enviroment, which means, the closing of one chapter in Chicago's Postal history and the beginning of a new one at Cardiss Collins P&DC, located at 433 West Harrison street.
Construction of Cardiss Collins P&DC began in March, 1992 and was completed in April, 1996. Fixed mechanization installation began in December, 1994 and was completed in February, 1996.
Cardiss Collins P&DC is smaller and more efficient than the Main Post Office. A comparison of the two facilities follows.