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On behalf of nearly 50,000 active members of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU), we ask that you take a few minutes to review this brochure, which highlights some of the reasons that we believe you should join the NPMHU. We encourage you to join your fellow mail handlers in the fight to preserve the United States Postal Service, and in the continuing struggle to obtain and secure higher wages, increased benefits, and improved working conditions.

Without the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, and its thousands of dedicated representatives – who are working day in, and day out, to protect your interests – Mail Handlers certainly would not enjoy the level of job security, anti-discrimination protection, seniority consideration, wages, benefits, or safety and health protections that are currently in place. The National Postal Mail Handlers Union has been in the trenches – for many decades – fighting to obtain, and protect, these important benefits.

The NPMHU relies on the collect strength of its membership to continue the struggle for a better workplace. We respectfully ask that you join us in these worthwhile efforts. To become a member of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, complete a Form 1187. You can complete and download a Standard Form 1187 at this link, or you can acquire an 1187 from your Shop Steward or other Union officer. Please complete the Standard Form 1187 dues authorization and return it to any NPMHU Officer or Shop Steward. Upon successful submission to HRSSC, dues will be deducted from your paycheck automatically.

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