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Statement from NPMHU President Paul V. Hogrogian on House passage of the Protecting the Right to Org

Recent economic studies have shown what all members of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union and all of our union brother and sisters have known our entire careers: the right to unionize allows the working class greater personal economic growth; improves workplace safety; and, combats income inequality.

Despite these benefits to the fiscal health of our national economy, federal laws are not currently strong enough to ensure members of the private sector have access to unions and the right to organize.

To overcome these issues, the House introduced the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO), H.R. 842, at the beginning of the 117th congressional session. The PRO Act strengthens the National Labor Relations Act by protecting workers from anti-union intimidation and retaliation; prohibiting employers from misclassifying employees in order to prevent employees from organizing; and ensuring unions can hold free and fair elections.

The House passed identical legislation in the 116th Congress, and I’m pleased that it had the same level of bipartisan support in the current 117th session. With this continued support in the House, as well and the endorsement of President Biden, I urge the Senate to quickly take up this important legislation.

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