MARCH 10, 2020
USPS Issues Guidance on Social Gatherings (pdf)Please find linked above a copy of the referenced document from the Postal Service regarding the most recent Mandatory Stand-Up Talk concerning Social Gatherings. According to the Postal Service, information on guidance recently issued by the White House and Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC), regarding social gatherings. Avoiding social gatherings is a way to help reduce introduction of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) into new communities. It is also believed to help slow the spread of infection in communities already infected by the virus.Specifically, the White House and CDC now recommend avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people for a 15-day period in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, stand-up talks will be staggered with smaller groups indoors and/or be held outside for larger spacing if possible. The White House and CDC guidance states, “if you work in a critical infrastructure industry, which includes the Postal Service, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule. “ Our core mission is to bind the nation together, and we continue to be a vital connection for millions of people throughout the nation. Be assured, the Postal Service is following operable CDC guidance to protect your health at work.
